
New Mortgage Loans
We offer a full range of fixed and variable rate mortgages at competitive rates, with low closing costs, to help members finance the new home of their dreams, or refinance their present home.
Talk to one of our mortgage experts about our no-cost prequalification. We can help you determine an affordable monthly payment on a home and what price range that payment represents. You can also gain extra buying power with the seller by prequalifying with BFGFCU before you shop.With so many variables in the cost of owning a home, we realize that each buyer has special financial needs. Our Mortgage Loan Officers will work with you to find the mortgage options that best fit your individual requirements.
You can rely on us to provide fast closing and personalized service with rates and terms to save you substantial amounts of money.Before you begin shopping for the right new home, see us for the right new home mortgage.
In Ohio
Call 800-306-4400 ext. 4120 for current rates and additional information.
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