
Financial Calculators
Here are some easy to use on-line calculators to help you solve some common financial problems. If you find these calculators useful, be sure to bookmark this page or suggest it as a link to your favorite home page or search engine.
Home Financing
- Should I refinance?
- How much will my fixed rate mortgage payment be?
- How much will my adjustable rate mortgage payments be?
- How much will my payments be for a balloon mortgage?
- Should I rent or buy?
- Which mortgage is better for me?
- How much will I save by increasing my mortgage payment?
- How much mortgage might I qualify for?
- How much home can I afford?
- Should I consolidate my loans?
Personal Financing
- How much car can I afford?
- Is an Auto Loan or Home Equity Loan best for purchasing a car?
- How long will it take to pay off my credit card?
- How much do I need to save for college?
- How much will I need to save for a major purchase?
- How much can I afford to borrow?
- What is my loan rate?
- How long will it take to pay off my loan?
- How much will my loan payments be?
- Should I consolidate my loans?
- How soon can I eliminate my debts?
- What is the yield on my portfolio?
- How can I save a million dollars?
- What is my investment yield?
- What is my future value worth today?
- What will my investment be worth in the future?
- How much could I save over time?
- What rate would I need to earn on my savings?
- What savings amount should I start with?
- How much should I save each month?
- Which is better for me, a Traditional IRA or a Roth IRA?
- How much will my Traditional IRA be worth at retirement?
- How much will my Roth IRA be worth at retirement?
- How long will my retirement savings last?
- What rate do I need to support my retirement?
- How much do I need to fund my retirement?
- How much can I spend each month in retirement?
The information provided by these calculators is for illustrative purposes only. The default figures shown are hypothetical and may not be applicable to your individual situation. Be sure to consult a financial professional prior to relying on the results. The calculated results are intended for illustrative purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed.