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The Benefits of Online Banking
Take advantage of BFG's free online banking today
By now, the majority of consumers understand at least some of the benefits of online banking. However, many people have still resisted making the switch, while others don't capitalize on all of the features or tools at their disposal. Below, get a crash course on the benefits of online banking and discover why it might be time for you to make the switch.
Immediate Insight: No more waiting for monthly statements to arrive, in order for you to track expenses, spot mistakes or overcharges, or even find out about fraudulent usage. With online banking, everything is immediately accessible at your convenience, problems are caught quickly and easily, and other mistakes are avoided.
It (Should be) Free: Online banking should be free, and with many financial institutions, including BFG, it is. If for any reason, a bank is charging for online access and user privileges, it's time to open a checking account somewhere else. Many banks and credit unions today offer entirely free checking account functionality, including free online access.
Online Bill Paying: Online bill paying is a great benefit and an important component of online banking overall. In many instances, this can even be automated, eliminating a great deal of hassle and guess work with regular or recurring monthly expenses. It's quick, easy and free, and it even helps with avoiding late payments, as checks are never delayed in the mail.
Budgeting Tools: Online banking usually provides budgeting tools, including account aggregation, to provide you with a real time snapshot of all your accounts and spending patterns. This makes it easy to map out where money is being spent, how much money is available for different expenses and much more. Checking Accounts can be set up with alerts to provide immediate notification as to how much money is available, when deposits occur or when large payments are paid.
Convenience: Online banking offers convenience all across the board. Less time-consuming trips to the branch or the ATM. Less tedious bill paying by writing out checks and envelopes, buying stamps, and dropping them off at the mailbox. More knowledge, access and power, with less hassle and time spent at every step.
Security: If security concerns have been preventing you from enrolling in online banking, you can now relax. With the implementation of security features, such as multi-factor authentication and online fraud shut down, your accounts are better protected. You should feel confident and rest easy while using online banking.
BFG Federal Credit Union provides value and quality in the financial products and services it offers to individuals, who live, work, worship, attend school or volunteer in Summit County, Ohio, including Akron and Hudson and beyond. This includes free checking (no minimum balance requirement and no monthly service fee), free, convenient, and secure online banking and bill payment, and surcharge-free ATM access through the Alliance One Network. Learn how to get a free checking account with online banking and bill payment today by visiting BFGFCU.org.